DEATHRIDE To Begin Recording In Early February

January 8, 2003

California's DEATHRIDE, the new project featuring COAL CHAMBER frontman Dez Fafara, are set to begin recording their debut album, tentatively titled "Thirteen", on Feb. 3 for a July release through Roadrunner Records.

The following is Fafara's latest update on the group's activities, as posted on the band's official message board:

"DEATHRIDE goes to the NAMM show January 16th and the 17th to secure gear. We start with [producer] Ross Hogarth just days after that on pre-production, which will last approximately 2 weeks. We are now looking at a confirmed date for the first day of tracking drums, which will be February 3rd, which is a Monday. From there were looking at 7 weeks for completion, add another couple of weeks for mixing, mastering and artwork, and like I said, we're going to deliver the album in March.

"If I have it my way, which I'm gonna!, we'll be on tour in May and won't come off the road for as long as we can take it.

"A lot of people have been asking will we open for someone or will we headline?? This we do not know. We can only say that we will trust in the team around us... Managers, agents, record company, etc. But be assured, this band will be forged in the fire of hard work. We are ready to put our nose to the grindstone.

"I also know something elseā€¦ Festival season is coming and I'd personally love to travel to Europe and I know the DEATHRIDE boys will as well.

"Next thing, on the Roadrunner website it says were from Orange County, California.. We are not. We are from Santa Barbara, California. It's 5 hours away with a whole different climate and vibe."

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